International Hiring Assistance Program

Master of Financial Analysis Program

The Master of Financial Analysis (MFinA) Program will help students and their potential employers navigate the H-1B visa process. The International Hiring Assistance Program is a partnership between MFinA and a top immigration law firm, Serratelli Mijal PLLC, to assist international MFinA students and employers with matters related to immigration and work visa sponsorship. While the H-1B is the most widely known work visa, many other types of work authorization do exist. Serratelli Mijal PLLC will assist students and employers in exploring all possible visa options. Participation in the International Hiring Assistance Program (IHAP) -- although no guarantee of H-1B visa approval -- will provide students with an increased chance of full-time employment in the US by streamlining and improving understanding of the employer sponsorship process.

In addition, the MFinA program office will assist employers in completing the E-Verify process for hiring international students:

How the International Hiring Assistance Program Works

The purpose of the International Hiring Assistance Program is to enhance the hiring of F-1 visa students and to provide high quality legal support for our employer partners in the process. Toward this end, Serratelli Mijal PLLC will provide a no-cost consultation with RBS MfinA students and their employers.  These consultations can occur by phone or Skype with the student, the employer or a conference call with both parties.  

During the consultation, an attorney with Serratelli Mijal PLLC will address student's questions regarding the visa process and common employer concerns, including the ones below:

  • Will our company be overwhelmed with paperwork requirements?  Answer: NO
  • Will our company be required to pay all immigration costs? Answer: NO
  • Will immigration law dilute my rights under existing labor law?  Answer NO

In addition to bringing clarity to students and employers in the widely misunderstood area of hiring international students, the International Hiring Assistance Program also brings certainty to legal fee costs. RBS has negotiated a reduced fixed legal fee with Serratelli Mijal PLLC for each type of visa.

Next Steps:

To get you and/or your employer connected with an attorney from Serratelli Mijal PLLC, please complete the brief form below.

For more information on the International Hiring Assistance Program please contact the MFinA Program Assistant, Cheryl Daniels, at

Please fill out the following to the best of your ability:
By clicking the submit button you agree to have a representative of Serratelli Mijal PLLC contact you. There is no cost for the initial consultation.