Innovation & Operations Programs

Rutgers Mini-MBA™ programs bring practitioners from different organizations and industries together in a rich and diverse learning environment, designed to develop skills and capabilities through the powerful combination of expert class instruction and peer interaction. Participants can earn a variety of credits and certifications from RBSEE programs, including academic graduate credit from Rutgers Business School.

Mini-MBA: Digital Supply Chain Management

Advances in technology are radically impacting global supply chains transforming how businesses manage their own organizational and supply chain structures.

Mini-MBA: Driving Innovative Business Solutions

Business leaders who want their company to become–and stay–competitive in this constantly changing era must continually find new and better ways to deliver their products and services to customers. It’s imperative not only to innovate but also to do it quickly, moving from idea to actualization with discipline and vision.

Mini-MBA: Ethics and Compliance

With fast-evolving workplaces, technologies, and industries, it’s more important than ever that ethics and compliance programs are aligned with both legal requirements and organizational missions; but it’s not always easy. As a compliance professional, you need to be an effective advocate for sustainable compliance processes that meet the needs of your organization’s C-Suite, General Counsel, and employees.

Mini-MBA: Lean Six Sigma

In the digitized modern era, consumers have nearly unlimited access to information and freedom of choice in the market. Their ever-increasing expectations from businesses require successful executives to increase and improve delivery and quality in step with those demands.

Lean Six Sigma is a management methodology used by businesses to improve products and processes, and ultimately achieve operational excellence. Our Mini-MBA: Lean Six Sigma for Executives teaches you how to maximize efficiency and through change, while prioritizing the wants and needs of the customer.