Areas of Study

Undergraduate Program in Newark

Discover Rutgers Business School Undergraduate-Newark


Major in Accounting

Accounting involves the examination, organization, management and design of accurate recording and reporting procedures of financial and business transactions. Some major specializations include public accounting, tax accounting, cost accounting, government accounting, budget accounting and internal auditing.

Major in Finance

Finance focuses on all aspects of money management, such as investment, collection, disbursement, borrowing, and fund-raising. These individuals prepare financial reports needed to conduct operations and to satisfy tax and regulatory requirements. Finance graduates also oversee the flow of cash and investments and develop information to assess the present and future financial status of an organization.

Major in Leadership and Management

Leadership and Management focuses on the areas of negotiations, cross-cultural management, international trade, and other issues occurring in the global environment.

Major in Management Information Systems

This major is intended to develop analytical and information management skills that are useful in business as well as in public administration. Students will develop an ability to analyze quantitatively complex business situations and manage information systems.

The rapid growth of the use of the computer within organizations has created strong and growing demand for information technology professionals trained in all aspects of computer usage. Virtually all organizations make extensive use of computers, and the employment market for students with combined business and information systems training is expected to continue to experience major growth over the next decade and beyond.

Major in Marketing

Marketing is a broad area with many career opportunities. This concentration helps students to develop skills that enable them to function in many different marketing roles while working closely and effectively with other business functions. This program provides high quality education for marketing major at an affordable expense and allows students to access the exciting job market in the NY, NJ and CT tri-state area.

Major in Supply Chain Management

This major focuses on the areas of strategic sourcing, procurement management, logistics, quality management, and supply chain technologies. This program has a strong corporate sponsorship that provides excellent intern and job placement opportunities, as well as scholarships in the form of honors track.


Minors (For Non-Rutgers Business School students)

Students who are not enrolled in a Rutgers Business School Undergraduate Program in Newark major can complete a minor in a variety of subjects.

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