12th Annual LIBOR Finance Summit

The Annual LIBOR Summit brings together Rutgers alumni, students and faculty to discuss current events in the industry, celebrate the accomplishments of finance students at Rutgers University, and provide a networking opportunity.

11 Apr
Price: See Below

11 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010

The 12th Annual Finance Summit will consist of a panel discussing "A Multi-Asset View of The Street."  We are very excited to announce our keynote speaker as Harvey Schwartz, former President and Co-Chief Operating Officer of Goldman Sachs.

Our panel discussion will be moderated by Joseph Gasparro, Head of Capital Services Content at Credit Suisse. The following alumni have been gracious enough to participate as panelists this year:

  • Brian Chin, CEO of Global Markets at Credit Suisse
  • Mark Friedman, Senior Managing Director at Evercore
  • Milwood Hobbs Jr., Managing Director at Oaktree Capital
  • Melanie Vangopoulos, Portfolio Manager at Millennium Management

The event will conclude with a networking reception where food and refreshments will be served. The event is at Credit Suisse (11 Madison Avenue, New York, NY). Please plan to arrive at 6:00 pm.

Please contact rulibor@gmail.com for instructions on how to reserve a ticket.

LIBOR - Little Investment Bankers of Rutgers



If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Neilank Avani, Raveena Kumar, Paul Chamesian, Joseph Acoury or the LIBOR email account.


See Details Above.