Dirty Money

In finance parlance, we often say “Cash is King.” But it is a sick and germ-laden king, which potentially infects everyone who touches it; so it’s time to overthrow this king and let a better, healthier (literally!), and more efficient cashless payment system reign.

14 Oct
Price: FREE


In early March 2020, in a step to curb the spread of COVID-19, the World Health Organization (WHO), has advised customers to avoid using banknotes and switch to contactless payment methods. This advice came after China and South Korea began isolating and disinfecting banknotes. In the past few months, we have seen an exponential increase in contactless payments, not only in the US but across the globe.

In this webinar, we will discuss the different contactless payment methods that exist today – their benefits and drawbacks, and how we are, slowly but surely, moving toward a global “cashless” economy.

Speaker: Merav Ozair Ph.D.

Dr. Merav Ozair, part-time lecturer of Finance and Economics at Rutgers Business School. She teaches undergraduate students “Blockchain, Digital Asset and the Future of Finance”, and “Blockchain and Cryptocurrency” for the Master in Quantitative Finance program.

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