The world has crossed the threshold into a new era of business where speed, innovation, and agility are now necessities for sustainable competitive advantage. Learn about a human performance engineering framework that can be applied to lagging corporate cultures, turning them into winning ones. It is no longer magic; it is science.
The world has crossed the threshold into a new era of business where speed, innovation, and agility are now competitive necessities. Maturing these capabilities is easier said than done because many companies have real human performance challenges to overcome. They need to lead and inspire from anywhere, work from anywhere, unlock continuous innovation, move faster, and turn a new generation of managers into leaders.
In this webinar on the future of human performance in the digital enterprise, Frank Wander and Steve Plante will share benchmark data that validates a human performance engineering framework that can be applied to turn lagging cultures into winning ones. Companies can build high performing and innovative cultures that are capable of creating sustainable competitive advantage. It is no longer magic, it is science.
Speakers: Steve Plante, Head of Professional Services and Customer Experience for PeopleProductive, Inc. & Frank Wander, CEO and founder of PeopleProductive

Steve is Head of Professional Services and Customer Experience for PeopleProductive, Inc., a firm focused on culture and leadership development driving organization performance.
A seasoned executive helping Fortune 100 firms and United States Federal Government agencies successfully navigate business transformation programs for four decades, he is a servant leader who delivers value through a profound understanding of strategic execution and value creation via high performance culture.

Frank Wander is a CEO, author, former Fortune 250 turnaround CIO, and founder of PeopleProductive, a Human Performance Engineering company.
Prior to PeopleProductive, Frank was a turnaround CIO at three different companies, most recently Guardian Life Insurance Company of America, as well as the President of during the .com era. Early on, he developed a knack for transforming organizations and spent many years turning around failing IT divisions by creating cultures where people were both motivated and able to give their best.
Frank is a Board member of ShelterPoint Life Insurance Company, and a member of Rider University’s HR Curriculum Committee. Wander is also the author of Transforming IT Culture, a frequent blogger and keynote speaker.
If you have any questions, you may contact our Executive Education team directly at 1-848-445-2020.
This event is free.