Rutgers: Leading the Next Generation of Fintech

The event will highlight the importance of fintech, the need for partnerships between higher education and industry, and the role of Rutgers University in preparing the next generation of fintech professionals.

28 Sep
Price: FREE

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hall | 15 Washington Street Newark, NJ, 07102

Join us on September 28 from 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. for the Rutgers: Leading the Next Generation of Fintech event. 

Registration, a light breakfast, and networking will begin at 8:30 a.m. 

The event will highlight the importance of fintech, the need for partnerships between higher education and industry, and the role of Rutgers University in preparing the next generation of fintech professionals.

Hear a keynote offered by Aaron Price, President and CEO of TechUnited, a panel discussion on industry leaders in fintech, remarks on preparing Rutgers students as leaders in the field of fintech, and much more! 


This event is free.