New Brunswick campus

2024 Rutgers Accounting Research Conference

2024 Rutgers Accounting Research Conference

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Rutgers Business School-New Brunswick
100 Rockafeller Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854

This event is by invitation only and will be held at Rutgers Business School in Room 2071 and the 2nd Floor Lounge.

Conference Participants


9:30 am – 10:15 am Breakfast and Registration
10:15 am – 10:30 am

Jay Soled, Distinguished Professor and Chair, Department of AIS

Lei Lei, Dean, Rutgers Business School

10:30 am – 11:20 am

Paper 1: Risk Sharing in a Political Union

Presenter: Anya Nakhmurina, Yale University 

Moderator: Ryan McDonough, Rutgers University 

11:20 am – 11:40 am Break
11:40 am – 12:30 pm

Paper 2: The Downside of Dissemination: Evidence from the Municipal Bond Market

Presenter: James Naughton, University of Virginia

Moderator: Kari Lee, Rutgers University

12:30 pm – 2:00 pm Lunch
2:00 pm – 2:10 pm

RBS Center for Governmental Accounting Education & Research

Yaw Mensah, Interim Vice Dean and Director, CGAER

Irfan Bora, Director, Master of Governmental Accounting Program

2:10 pm – 3:00 pm

Paper 3: The Effect of Government Transparency on Corporate Tax Avoidance: Evidence from State Freedom of Information Laws

Presenter: Ningzhong Li, University of Texas at Dallas

Moderator: Disen Huang, Rutgers University

3:00 pm – 3:20 pm Break
3:20 pm – 4:10 pm

Paper 4: Windfall Grants and Local Government Corruption

Presenter: Angela Gore, George Washington University

Moderator: Claire Yan, Rutgers University

4:10 pm – 4:30 pm Break
4:30 pm – 5:20 pm

Paper 5: Paying Your Fair Share: Perceived Fairness and Tax Compliance

Presenter: Brad Nathan, Rutgers University

Moderator: Li Zhang, Rutgers University

5:25 pm Return to hotel/downtown New Brunswick
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Dinner at Steakhouse 85 in New Brunswick, NJ

Conference Organizers:
Ryan McDonough,
Brad Nathan,
Claire Yan,