Positioning yourself for Performance Reviews and Promotions - Virtually

Join our panel of experts on how to remain confident and collected during review season.

22 Oct
Price: FREE

Online via Webex

Performance Review Season will soon be upon us: a time for critique, annual reviews, bonuses, and promotions. While this season is tough and trying for all, it is especially difficult for women and people of color due to bias and judgement errors. With COVID-19 making everything virtual, these biases can further be exasperated. We will be speaking with our panel of experts on how to remain confident and collected during review season, and make sure that your worth is communicated effectively. This event will be co-hosted with the RBS Office of Career Management, so be sure to attend!

Join via Webex


Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions, or if you are interested in getting involved: Contact the Center for Women in Business


This event is free.