Poets & Quants ranks Rutgers Executive MBA #11 among public universities
In the most recent report of the top Executive MBA programs in the nation, Poets & Quants ranked Rutgers EMBA #11 among public universities and #22 overall in the U.S., moving up two places from last year’s ranking. The Poets & Quants ranking incorporates the three major EMBA rankings from U.S. News & World Report, the Financial Times, and The Economist.
Dean Lei said, “Rutgers EMBA continues to climb new heights for RBS amidst fierce competition during this challenging time. Our wholehearted appreciation goes to Professor & Executive MBA Program Director Farrokh Langdana and his entire EMBA team, all faculty who taught in EMBA virtual classrooms and staff members who supported the EMBA program. Their tremendous effort to build the program’s reputation and their determination to enhance the impact of this large public business school have placed RBS on the national map again!”
Professor Farrokh Langdana said, “Rutgers EMBA---The Powerhouse---has not let COVID-19 affect its promise to the current Rutgers EMBA students and to our alumni to provide them with a constantly-updated program. Even through the COVID year, we are proud to announce that the 2-course Statistics sequence taught by Prof. Rosa Oppenheim has been re-engineered to be “Prelude to Big Data” and “Data Analytics Strategy.” We have also introduced a course in Digital Transformation coming up next Spring, taught by Prof. Zeki Padva. The Strategy core course has been redesigned to include A.I., Machine Learning, and Big Data. There was a new module on Innovation Strategy last Fall, taught by Professor Jerry Kim. And these are just a few examples. COVID may come and go, but the Rutgers EMBA Powerhouse Powers on.”

Each of the three major Executive MBA rankings that were reflected in the Poets & Quants listing employs vastly different methodologies. The U.S. News & World Report ranking of the top 25 U.S. programs is based entirely on a survey sent to deans and senior faculty of business schools.
The Financial Times ranking results from two surveys: one to the schools and another to alumni of the programs. The list incorporates 16 different metrics, with the most emphasis, 40%, on salaries. A total of 4,810 alumni completed the survey last year. The Economist culls 24 different metrics from surveys to schools and alumni, placing a weight of 27.5% on pay. Roughly 8,500 alums completed The Economist surveys last year.
Reinforcing the Rutgers EMBA program's strong evaluation from Poets & Quants was a jump to #13 in CEO Magazine's 2021 Global Executive MBA rankings. Among 91 EMBA programs around the world, Rutgers moved up three places since 2020 when CEO Magazine ranked it at #16.
"Our objective is simple," CEO Magazine said in its press release, "to identify schools that marry exceptional quality with great ROI."
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