Supply Chain Analytics can improve operational efficiencies and ultimately, customer experiences.
Supply Chain Analytics student makes an impact at Amazon fulfillment center
Master of Supply Chain Analytics graduate student Meet Patel completed a very successful internship at an Amazon fulfillment center over the summer. Much of his responsibilities focused on analyzing and improving trailer dwell times: how long transport trailers waited for loading and unloading.
“When Patel arrived, an average of 8.8 trailers had dwell times greater than 18 hours per day,” wrote his supervisor, Delane Weltch. “Patel utilized behavioral audits and First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principles to drop the trailer dwells down to 5.1 trailers per shift. If trailers dwell for too long, a costly replan must be instituted to ensure customer fulfillment.”

What did you think of the internship experience?
Amazon provided me a unique experience where I was able to take the knowledge I learned at RBS, apply it to real world scenarios, and actually make an impact to such a prominent company. I truly appreciated the support I received from my mentor, senior leadership, and team.
Was the internship what you expected?
The internship was not what I expected it to be. The site and my role as an intern were way bigger than I anticipated. I was given a lot of responsibility, and my actions would actually affect the company's day-to-day business at the site.
What did you learn from the experience?
I learned a lot from this experience. I was able to enrich upon skills of leadership, resiliency, and ingenuity. I also saw firsthand how difficult forecasting can be.
What would you have liked to have known before going into the internship?
I wish I knew more about Excel in terms of Macros prior to this internship. When trying to communicate real-time data and initiatives to such a large audience, the use of Macros is essential.
-Sean Ireland
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