Entrepreneurship Concentration​

Undergraduate Program in New Brunswick

The Entrepreneurship Concentration course sequence is structured such that students acquire basic business knowledge and skills before taking more advanced courses.

Introduction to Entrepreneurship (33:382:302) offers students a framework for understanding the entrepreneurial process, and exposes students to challenges, problems, and issues faced by entrepreneurs who start new businesses.

Key Facts

  • Concentration for RBS students
  • Minor for non-Rutgers Business School students
  • Courses enroll both RBS and non-RBS students
  • Such diversity encourages a greater variety of ideas and perspectives on problem solving

Managing Growing Ventures (33:382:303) then offers an overview of running a small business, including discussions of leadership, strategy, marketing, finance, operations, human resources, supplier management, facilities, banking, legal, and regulatory considerations. This range of business aspects, and the range of entrepreneurship courses offered, are directly applicable to starting a small business or joining a large corporation. Many companies are explicitly setting expectations for, and placing value on, employees with entrepreneurial skills.

Within the concentration, students receive a combination of theoretical and practical exposure to entrepreneurship. Case study is the principal teaching method, supplemented by lectures, project work, and guest speakers.

Learning Goals

  • Identify and evaluate business opportunities
  • Develop a business concept
  • Assess and obtain required resources
  • Manage the growth of new ventures
  • Effectively manage a small business
  • Avoid common entrepreneurial mistakes


A concentration in Entrepreneurship prepares students to start a business or bring entrepreneurial skills to an established business. Virtually any position can utilize the learning goals.

Examples of Entrepreneurial Ventures

Public Relation Firm, Graphic Designs/Multimedia Company, Franchisee, Doctor, Lawyer, Consultant (Marketing, Educational, Medical, Sales, etc.), Real Estate Developer, Event Planner.

The Concentration's Structure

RBS students pursuing the Entrepreneurship (ENT) concentration will take 3 courses (9 credits). The courses include two Entrepreneurship Core Requirements (6 credits), and one Entrepreneurship elective (3 credits). This plan acknowledges that the 3 core business classes required for the ENT minor in New Brunswick (the Preliminary Core Requirements) are already part of the RBS core requirements leaving RBS-students with 9 unique credits to accrue in ENT. Additionally, any student doing a management major who wishes to do the ENT concentration may do so with the understanding that he/she may not double count his/her elective credits.

Required (6 credits)

Course # Title CR
33:382:302 Introduction to Entrepreneurship 3
33:382:303 Managing Growing Ventures 3

Electives (3 credits)

Course # Title CR
33:382:340 Creativity, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship 3
33:382:496 Entrepreneurship Practicum 3
33:382:355 Managing Technological Innovation 3
33:382:352 Multicultural Market 3
33:382:486 Music Industry 3
33:630:369 New Product Planning 3
33:382:310 Social Entrepreneurship 3
33:382:360 Technology Ventures 3
33:382:342 Urban Entrepreneurship & Economic Development 3